Cybersecurity & AI – What to Know and How to Prepare
Thursday, May 8 • 12:45pm – 1:15pm
Session Overview
In today’s digital age, cybersecurity threats are a daily concern for operators. This session will dive into the fundamental concepts of cybersecurity, including social engineering, phishing, and bad actors. Attendees will explore the types of data at risk, the potential impact of AI on cybersecurity, and practical, actionable steps to protect their operations.
Key Takeaways
Upon completion, participants will be able to…
- Proactively protect themselves from general cybersecurity threats by understanding the basic methods of bad actors.
- Understand the basics of a business continuity plan and what to do if they are the victim of a cybersecurity attack.
- Know what to look out for with AI advancements and emerging threats.
Who Should Attend?
Relevant Position: Technology Specialists
Relevant Channels of Business: Vending, Micro Markets
Operation Size: Small, Growing, Large
Experience Level: New and Experienced