Mentoring Mash-up: Challenges and Best Practices for Young Professionals
Wednesday, May 7 • 8:00am – 8:50am
Session Overview
What was the toughest challenge you encountered in your operation, and how did you overcome it? Every operator in this room will answer this question differently, and you can learn from their experience when facing a similar situation in your business. This networking-focused session invites young professionals to engage in group mentoring and share experiences about encountering and overcoming challenges in their convenience services careers. Subject matter experts will be stationed at various tables to focus these conversations. Discover diverse perspectives and build connections that can guide you in navigating your career path.
Who Should Attend?
Relevant Position: Leadership, Director of Operations, Salespeople
Relevant Channels of Business: Vending, Micro Markets, Office Coffee Services, Pantry Services
Operation Size: Small, Growing, Large
Experience Level: New and Experienced